Switching to innovated Plisse system, new Plisse Fabric Sampler 2021

The new system applies to both individual product components (profiles, control variants) and fabrics related to the implementation of the new Plisse Fabric Sampler 2021.
New Plisse system
Within the production process, the plisse system has been modernized, which includes improved profile design, control variants, the addition of new type of plisse and other colours to the standard for the upper and lower profile.
New design of profiles

New control variants

New type of plisse VS 2 Slide Comfort
This side-guided plisse can be mounted on the window without drilling or screwing using an adhesive profile directly on the window pane. Magnetic fixation is optional and is only at the top. It is controlled by a handle (for the control rod), the standard colours of the profiles are white, matt grey and anthracite.

New colours as standard for top, bottom profile and plastic parts

Plisse Fabric Sampler 2021 (CZ, EN)
In response to changes within the suppliers of fabrics and market requirements, we have kept 130 original fabrics in the new plisse sampler, we have not included 78 fabrics from the original sampler and we have added 115 new fabrics. In the new sampler, you will find 245 fabrics of various colours, transparency, patterns and properties. We have also added a new collection with children's designs. All fabrics have new names and abbreviations. Fabrics no longer included in the sampler have kept their original names and abbreviations. At the same time, we do not cancel these fabrics, but we are making their price more favourable and include them in the price group "A".