
Benefits & advantages

  • high resistence
  • durable and light materiál
  • minimal temperature dilatation
  • fire resistance B2 according to DIN 4102-1
  • various dimensions and variations

Limit box dimensions

minimum box lenght D: 500 mm
maximum box width D: 6000 mm
maximum dimension A: 600 mm
maximum dimension B: 300 mm
maximum box depth C: 600 mm

Purenit boxes variations


Purenit boxes variations

  • If the box is longer than 3500 mm (board size) it is supplied in more pieces which need to be connected later together see boxes connection straight and angled

Variants of boxes

  • Purenit insulation reveal PIO
  • Polystyrene reveal SIO
  • Purenit reveal PUR

Reveal limit dimensions

Dimension A Dimension B Dimension C
Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max.
120 mm 2550 mm 150 mm 300 mm 60 mm 200 mm

* Casing Overhang 150 mm is finish calculated in production.

THICKNESS PIR* insulation (for ISOTRA PB-IS type)

Thickness mm 20 30 40 50 60
Heat resistance RD [(m2.K)/W] 0,20 0,35 0,45 0,55 0,70
Heat transmission coefficient RD [(m2.K)/W] 2,94 2,04 1,69 1,45 1,19
Diffusion resistance Sd [m] 0,16 0,24 0,32 0,40 0,48
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