Technical support

ISOTRA has an interest in the technology used for solar radiation blinds and its impact on energy savings. Technology, developed procedures, research and development in this area ranks the company as a leading shading technology producer and it is regarded as a technological leader both in the Czech Republic and globally.

In particular, the exterior shading technology and the assembly relates to many features and technical knowledge. The technical facility in the Designers/CAD section (designers and architects) is designated to simplifying the work and serves as a source of necessary technical information and drawings in CAD or BIM.

V rámci konzultace můžete požádat o návštěvu našich odborníků v oblasti venkovního zastínění.

Pavel Steyer
Příprava a realizace staveb
Phone: +420 553 685 125
Mobile: +420 724 800 413

Ing. Radim Křeska
Příprava a realizace staveb
Phone: +420 553 685 125 
Mobile: +420 724 850 898

Dalibor Dombek
Pmailto: slanina@isotra.czříprava a realizace staveb
Phone: +420 553 685 126 
Mobile: +420 602 267 936 

Otakar Slanina
Příprava a realizace staveb
Mobile: +420 732 661 940

If you require a self-contained summary of the whole ISOTRA product assortment, please request the technical file for exterior and interior shading technology.